years of
The Efficient Team Manager mentors the whole team and enables them to be successful as team.
A team member´s mood:
“We succeeded, WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS!“
Team management works best when teams can operate autonomously with a highly developed culture of responsibility, mutual collaboration, and respect.
Team members define their roles, and managers only step in ofor issues beyond the team’s control. Continuous improvement is a core trait.
Principle: Managing targets implies taking responsibility for success!
Purpose: Create conditions for the team to succeed
Responsibility of the Manager:
Expectation towards team member: Contribute to Achieve the team’s targets!
Team member’s mood: We are successful. We are the champions!
Most managers wish to implement or upgrade ETM approach in their teams but lack the time and systematics to ensure a smooth and sustainable implementation. They also see the challenges in managing the accompanying change process within the team.
For such cases our well established and systeamized on-site ETM implementation procedure ensures a secured and fast implementation to quickly get the highest benefit.
On-site implementation support by our experienced ETM consultants includes:
Implementating ETM in leads to a improvement of the collaboration and leadership cultures in the team.
Leading this change process while applying the ETM method consistently to maintain a high performance level a key responsibility of the manager.
Experienced ETM Coaches provide the manager and the team the necessary support needed to effectively keep improving the performance of the team in a sustainable way.
Exchanging experience and Learning from peers who have extensive experience in applying ETM are valuable sources of inspiration and motivation for every manager.
Our Best-Practice Partners from a wide range of industries and sectors willingly open their company doors to share their valuable experiences with others and to also learn from visitors and keep improving.